Buster+Punch Wall Lamps

Welcome to our exclusive range of Buster+Punch wall lights. These wall lights are more than just lighting fixtures; they are works of art that combine innovation and aesthetics to create a unique lighting experience. But Buster+Punch is more than just lighting - they also have an exciting history in the motorcycle world. Founder Massimo Buster Minale used to work with custom-built motorcycles - and his passion for quality materials and innovative design from the motorcycle world is reflected in every Buster+Punch lamp.

See all Buster+Punch lights here!

High-quality English wall lights

Buster+Punch wall lights are created with care and attention to detail. Each light is a tribute to quality craftsmanship and uses precious materials such as brass, copper and steel. This not only gives our lights exceptional durability, but also a sublime
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